How to Cancel SASSA Grant

You can Cancel SASSA Grant whenever you look forward to South African Government jobs and believe you can now empower yourself without SRD R350 Grant.

SASSA has a condition that SASSA beneficiaries can only apply for government jobs once they withdraw SASSA benefits. In either case, you would be charged with government penalties against the SASSA clauses.

Canceling the SASSA Grant is simple, and it takes 5 minutes to cancel it online. You would fill out the SASSA application cancellation request and the consent form. After SASSA approves your SRD R350 cancellation request, you will stop receiving your monthly SASSA payment on specific payment dates.

Cancel SASSA Grant

SASSA is a government-organized administrative agency that has strict rules and regulations for its beneficiaries and end users. One who is a SASSA beneficiary taking SRD grants is not eligible to apply for any government job (public sector). The same is the rule for all the beneficiaries taking old age grants, care dependency grants, war veterans, foster children, or disability grants.

The beneficiary is also not eligible to receive benefits from any other governmental grant program like UIF (Unemployment Insurance Fund) or NSFAS (National Student Financial Aid Scheme).

So, if you are fortunate enough to get a government job and are likely to get employed, but the SASSA Employment Clause is a hurdle, you need to Cancel the SASSA grant.

Steps-by-step guide to Cancel SASSA Grant

You can cancel the SASSA Grant online or any other SRD R350 Grant ( any Social Relief Grant ) by following these simple steps.

  • Visit the SASSA Cancellation Portal at to initiate the Cancel SASSA Grant process
  • Navigate to Cancel my application tab
  • Select the yellow button and press Click here to cancel online
  • Enter your South African 13-digit ID number (identity verification number) along with your SASSA-registered mobile phone number.
  • Receive your SASSA OTP code once after clicking “ Send Pin Now.”
  • Enter your OTP code and navigate to Verify OTP Pin.
  • Click the “Cancel My Grant” tab on a pop-up message ‘Are you sure to cancel your grant application’
  • Click ‘Yes’ to cancel your Grant and close your SASSA Grant request forever

You will receive a confirmation SMS on your SASSA registered phone that your lodged request to cancel SASSA grants has been sent.

How Much Time It Take to Cancel SASSA Grant

You can expect the SASSA response against your application to cancel the SASSA Grant in the next 7-working days (1 week). During this time, SASSA will undergo your verification and validation process by matching your personal information with that in the Department of Home Affairs (DHA) database.

You can confirm your SASSA Grant Cancellation online by performing SASSA Status Check. After the ‘ Cancel SASSA application ‘ request, you would no longer be an SASSA beneficiary. It will terminate your SASSA SRD R350 Grant or other Social Relief Grants. You can apply to any public or government jobs without the fear of violating SASSA beneficiary clauses and laws.

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One Comment

  1. Trying to cancel my late mothers pension payments. Don’t have a South African mobile number so online portal not working for me. How do I do

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